Empathie Café

Online ‑Training

12.  — 13. März 

Pop-up Mini Work­shop and Empa­thy Ses­sion for NYCNVC Alumni with Thom and Clara
Wed­nes­day Evening — April 8 — from 7:00 PM‑9:00 PM
From Thom:
Would you like to give and receive some empathy?
The “Empa­thy Cafe” was star­ted in NYC in 2012. It ran every Fri­day night for years, thanks to my col­le­ague, David Brow­ning, until life cir­cum­s­tances finally ended the run. I thought brin­ging it back would be a won­derful way for us to sup­port one ano­ther as a community.
So this April 8th, we’re offe­ring up a one-night online revi­val of our bel­oved Empa­thy Cafe. It’s open to any and all of our alumni, as cyber­space allows. You can regis­ter above — no fee.
We will start with a game or exer­cise to get our “empa­thy skills” war­med up, and then we will break into empa­thy dyads or triads, with coa­ching help available. We will prac­tice for about an hour (1/2 hour or 1/3 hour each), do a little har­vest ses­sion, and head home, pro­ba­bly fee­ling much more con­nec­ted to our­sel­ves and to life.
Just one evening of this simple powerful prac­tice can help us get more self-con­nec­ted, more self-expres­sed and com­pas­sio­nate — and per­haps a bit less stressed.
Alt­hough there is no fee for this event, to the ext­ent pos­si­ble, dona­ti­ons are encou­ra­ged and accepted during the event. This sup­ports our core team and allows us to serve those of us who have less access to money.


Ute Faber

Das Pro­gramm wird abwechs­lungs­reich und akti­vie­rend gestal­tet und wird in fol­gen­den Blö­cken stattfinden:


16:45 — 17:00 Uhr:       Tech­nik — Check
17:00 — 20:00 Uhr:       1. Block


08.45 – 09.00 Uhr:       Ankom­men
09.00 – 11.00 Uhr:       2. Block:
11.00 – 11.30 Uhr:       Pause
11.30 – 13.15 Uhr:       3. Block:
13.15 – 14.15 Uhr:       Pause
14.15 – 16.00 Uhr:       4. Block


130 €

Neh­men Sie hier Kon­takt  auf, wie Sie wei­tere Infor­ma­tio­nen wünschen.